AR & VR integration in the mobile app development

In today’s world, mobile apps have penetrated almost every sphere of our life. The digital ecosystem is in fact-finding new ways to provide us with a better experience and come with newer technology. However, an impeccable mobile application development begins with outstanding mobile app development.

In recent years, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality have emerged as very exciting technologies to integrate into mobile application development. AR can transform our lives in very better ways. The technology is not only celebrated among the developers or researchers but is also highly appreciated by the users as well.

In this article, we would know about different aspects of how AR & VR are useful and beneficial for the apps. Let’s begin…

Overcome Traditional Approach in mobile app development:

Since the mobile app market is already flooded by millions of mobile apps, you need to think out of the box to become a hit in this crowded market. Suppose you are developing an e-commerce app in a non-AR way, then you would be delivering the same e-commerce experience. The customer will browse through the products list, add the product to cart, make payment and now wait for the order to receive. What special does he get? While with the AR & VR you can offer the product to try virtually by the customer. For e.g. IKEA lets its customer try their furniture virtually or L’Oreal allows the customer to try its makeup and know how it will look on them.

Better learning experience in the eLearning App Development:

In this pandemic time, when the school, coaching centres, and other academic institutions are closed, students are opting for the eLearning apps for their progress. In the conventional approach, the teachers used to make diagrams on the boards and the students will read. However, with AR & VR technology they can provide a better and interactive learning experience to the users with 3-D data modeling and objects.

Improves Business Efficiency:

Virtual Reality can improve the business operations of your business. The business owners can conduct meetings and teleconferences in a much better way. It will bring you better time management and travel cost elimination. This transformation will lead to better business efficiency.

Improves Engagement Rate:

You can engage more users effectively by using the Augmented Reality apps by turning concepts into a digital rendering that overlaps reality. Thanks to the augmented reality, the users can now relish like virtual try-on, virtual-fitting rooms, virtual home staging, and virtual home improvements.

Apart from this, the mobile app developers can also integrate high-level augmented reality for providing superb performance in the terms of rich, and a better engaging experience.

Enhanced Brand Loyalty:

Virtual reality apps which have an extension of augmented reality are favourite among the users. Marketers can use these apps to reach their customers and interact with them. Companies are leveraging these apps to promote their products. They are now able to understand the customer requirements and hence providing them products meeting those needs. This improves the customize size and thus results in better brand loyalty.


Mobility is one of the most important factors due to which mobile applications got so much popularity. VR apps have taken the experience to a next level. They have allowed users to experience loyalty to that extent which was not possible before. You can use a virtual reality app to experience multiple realities while being from the same place. This is the next level of mobility.

Great Mobile App Maintenance:

As an entrepreneur, your journey doesn’t end at the mobile app development. But in fact, it begins from there. AR can help you a lot for providing better mobile app maintenance. Using AR, you can dig deeper into the mobile app experiences and ensure superb quality and maintenance services.

Flutter or React? What to choose for your next mobile app development?

In today’s world, it is possible to do almost everything on your fingertips using your smartphone. Whether you need to book a cab, an appointment with a doctor, buy online shoes, or consult with your physiotherapist, there are a plethora of mobile applications which allow you to do such things. People are looking for smarter ways to do things and want to save time. This is the reason why mobile app development has been a huge trend in the last few years. Every entrepreneur who is launching a start-up opting for mobile app development to showcase his services and make business. Every day, thousands of people develop a mobile app and are uploading it on different app stores which are getting millions of downloads. Initially, the most preferred platforms for the mobile application development are Android and iOS but now several other platforms have also emerged such as Flutter and React. These mobile app development platforms are leading this segment and it has been quite baffling to know what to choose for mobile app development among these two.

Hence in this article, we would be discussing among Flutter or React which platform you can choose for your next app development. We would know more about these mobile app development frameworks along with their pros and cons.

React was developed by the social media giant platform Facebook while Flutter was developed by one of the biggest IT companies Google.  Both React and Flutter are cross-platforms by nature and also known as Hybrid platforms. Hence, you can develop Android as well as iOS applications by using these frameworks.

Flutter was initially launched by the name “Sky” but was later renamed to Flutter. It was released after two years of React Native in 2017. Flutter is based on programming language Dart. Using this framework, the developers can make edits in their code and also check the edits in the running application simultaneously. Before that, the developer has to wait for a few minutes to check the changes in the application.

React was just a project of Facebook in its internal hackathon but then it becomes a very popular framework. It was released for public in 2015 at the React js conference. It is based on the highly popular programming language JavaScript. Let’s delve about these frameworks.


It is almost 5 years since the release of the React framework, and it is still the most popular native mobile app development framework. IT magnum opus such as Facebook, Instagram, Skype, Tesla, Facebook Ads, and many others are taking leverage of the React Framework. It is free to use and open-source. You can find many tutorials and solution by the vast community of React experts by Facebook. Hence if you stuck in any issue you can easily get help. The mobile application components will look similar to the native application ones. There are many such libraries by which you can use the same code for building iOS, Android, web and Windows apps. A developer can easily learn this technology. It is possible to reuse the code for web applications and desktop app development.

Pros of React:

  • Fast refresh and coding
  • Single codebase for multiple platforms
  • Takes use of highly popular language JavaScript
  • Developer has the choice of solutions to use as per the project’s requirements
  • Active & Fast community
  • Easy to learn
  • Reduce testing by nearly 50%


Cons of React:

  • Not completely native, the UI & performance can be close but can’t be the same
  • Few components which are out of box
  • Abandoned Packages
  • Components also need to upgrade, after each update. It can break the UI
  • Apps size are bigger than native ones



Flutter is also an open-source framework which is based on the Dart language. It was introduced by Google for mobile application development. It is a very popular framework for developing apps in Android, iOS, Window, Mac, Linux and other platforms. Platforms such as Google Ads, Dream 11, Groupon, Topline, Hamilton, Alibaba, and others are using this framework. It is a hybrid platform for developing mobile apps and continously get updates. One of the best things about this framework is that it uses a single code base for developing apps for multiple platforms. You can make use of Bluetooth, Wifi, and other background services to access by native apps. Currently, there are 300 thousand plus flutter developers who are continuously working for the framework growth.

Since there is a single codebase the look and feel of the apps on Android and iOS are almost the same. There are two sets of widgets in Flutter, Material design widgets which can imitate Google’s Design and Cupertino widgets which can implement Apple’s iOS design.

Pros of Flutter:

  • Easy to make changes and reflect them in the app
  • Attracting UI & UX
  • Same app UI even on older devices
  • Best framework for MVP development
  • Less needs for Automated Testing
  • Single code for multiple applications development


Cons of Flutter:

  • Dart is less popular than JavaScript
  • Libraries are good for Flutter but not as rich as native development
  • No support for CI platforms, therefore for automated testing, building and deployment of apps, developers require custom scripts
  • Size is greater than native apps


Cryptocurrency: All you need to know

Cryptocurrency has been new fuzz in recent years as a new form of currency. Cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange, created and stored electronically in the blockchain, using encryption techniques to control the creation of monetary units and to verify the transfer of funds. Bitcoin is the best example. It is a digital or virtual currency which has been secured by cryptography. It is impossible to counterfeit this currency or double-spend it. Most of the cryptocurrencies are having decentralized networks which are based on blockchain technology. A Cryptocurrency has no intrinsic value in that is not redeemable for another commodity such as gold. It has no physical form and exists only in the network. Its supply is not determined by a central bank and the network is completely decentralized.

Basically, it is a new form of a digital asset which is dispersed to a huge number of computers on a network. This structure and decentralization enable the Cryptocurrency to exist beyond the control of governments and central authorities. Since it is an encrypted form of money it is termed as “Cryptocurrency”.

In many countries, cryptocurrencies have also been criticized for many different reasons such as using Cryptocurrency for illegal activities, exchange rate volatility, and the supported infrastructure vulnerabilities. But they also receive commendation for their portability, divisibility, inflation resistance, as well as transparency.

Role of Blockchain technology in Cryptocurrency:

Cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks based on blockchain technology. With this technology, the participants can make transactions without involving any central clearing authority. Some of the applications of blockchain technology include fund transfers, settling trades, voting, and many other issues.

How does blockchain technology work?

Here is the complete working of blockchain technology:

  • Someone in the network requests for a transaction
  • The requested transaction is broadcast to a P2P network consisting of computers, known as nodes.
  • The network of nodes validates the transaction and the user’s status using known algorithms.
  • A verified transaction can involve cryptocurrency, contracts, records or other information.
  • Once verified, the transaction is combined with other transactions to create a new block of data for the ledger.
  • The new block is then added to the existing blockchain, in a way that is permanent and unalterable.
  • Finally, the transaction is completed.

Applications of Blockchain Technology:

  • Automotive: Consumers could use the blockchain to manage fractional ownership in autonomous cars.
  • Financial Services: Faster, cheaper settlements could save billions of dollars from transaction costs while improving transparency.
  • Voting: Using a blockchain code, constituents could cast votes via smartphone, tablet or computer, resulting in immediately verifiable results.
  • Healthcare: Patients’ encrypted health information or records can be share with multiple providers without the risk of privacy breaches.

Blockchain’s benefits and unknowns:


  • Increased Transparenc
  • Accurate tracking
  • Permanent ledger
  • Cost reduction


  • Complex technology
  • Regulatory implication
  • Implementation challenges
  • Competing platforms

Python Technology for blockchain:

Python technology is amongst the best technologies for blockchain. It is quite advanced and easy to learn and is supported by a large and passionate community of developers. It guarantees stability and reliability. Python is also quite simple and minimalistic in nature, and highly populated. It can be run compiled or uncompiled which makes developers’ lives more comfortable. It has free packages for Blockchain to developers write code more efficiently. A developer can create a simple blockchain using Python in less than 50 lines of code.