Know all about Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Admin 13 April, 2020 0

Know all about Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the newly found deadly coronavirus. This deadly virus can spread easily while in contact with the infected person while the infected person cough, sneeze, or even touch you. People suffering from coronavirus can experience a respiratory illness that is mild to moderate and can recover without as such special treatment. However, if the patient is suffering from medical diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer can develop serious problems.

You should be well-informed first, in order to prevent the disease and slow down its transmission. Take complete information about the causes and how it spreads. You should wash your hands or use alcohol or sanitizer to protect yourself and others. Also, don’t touch your face frequently.

The virus spreads through the tiny droplets of saliva or discharges from the nose when the infected person coughs or sneezes, hence it is best to follow proper respiratory etiquettes. Currently, there are no defined medical treatments of vaccines for this virus. However, there are many clinical trials are going on across the world.

Symptoms Of The Coronavirus:

The virus can affect people in different ways. It is a respiratory disease and the infected people are developing symptoms of the fever and respiratory diseases without requiring special treatment. Mostly, the persons who are above 60 years age have a higher risk of developing severe diseases and death.

The common symptoms of the coronavirus disease are:

  • Fever
  • Dry Cough
  • Tiredness
  • Breath Shortness
  • Aches and pains
  • Sore throat

and in rare cases, diarrhoea, nausea and runny nose

If you are suffering from mild symptoms, you should immediately isolate yourself and contact your medical provider or COVID-19 helpline.

Prevention of the Infection:

For the prevention of infection and slow down the transmission of the virus, you should do social distancing i.e staying away from crowded places, or meeting as much as less people. You should follow these steps:

Regularly wash your hands using soap and water, or clean them using a sanitizer or alcohol based hand-rub.

Stay away from people sneezing or coughing and at least maintain a 1-metre distance from them.

  • Avoid touching your face
  • While coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth.
  • If you are unwell, then prefer to stay at home.
  • Refrain activities such as smoking which can weaken the lungs.
  • Avoid unnecessary travel, and stay away from large groups of people.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Should I Wear A Mask To Protect Myself?

Wear a mask if you are suffering from the symptoms especially coughing or coming in contact with a person who may have infected with virus. If the mask is disposable, then it should be used only once. If you are also going outside for buying essential items or for work then prefer to wear a mask. Else if you are staying in the home, then don’t waste a mask. As per WHO, there is world-wide shortage of masks, so use masks wisely.

How to put on, use, take off, and dispose of a mask?

Use a mask if you are infected, or in contact with the infected person, health worker, or caretaker.

Touch the mask after cleaning the hands using soap & water or sanitizer

Take the mask and inspect it for tears or holes.

The top side is where the metal strips is, and ensures the coloured side is facing outwards.

Place the mask to your face. Pinch the metal strip or stiff edge of the mask so it moulds to the shape of your nose.

Pull down the mask’s bottom so it covers your mouth and your chin.

After use take off the mask, while keeping it away from your face and clothes to avoid contamination.

Discard the mask in a closed bin immediately after use.

Again, wash your hands after touching or discarding the mask.

How Long Does The Virus Survive On Surfaces?

As per the studies, the coronavirus can persist on surfaces from a few hours to up to several days. This may vary under different conditions (e.g. type of surface, temperature or humidity of the environment).

Is There A Vaccine, Drug Or Treatment For COVID-19?


Not yet. Currently, there is no specific vaccine, medicine or treatment to prevent or treat COVID-19. However, the infected person can receive care from medical help. They will provide medication for alleviating the symptoms.

Current Pandemic Stats Of Virus Across The World:

Currently, nearly 18 lakh positive coronavirus cases have been identified across the world. The death counter has reached 1 lakh and 8 thousands, and 4 lakh people have recovered.

The governments of many nations have implemented lockdown across the countries for keeping social distancing and controlling the virus. This Coronavirus has also put the World’s economy at a greater risk. The world is going to face recession; and the global losses, according to some commentators, may exceed the World Wars I and II combined. The decreasing prices of crude oil have added another issue. India’s prowess in pharmaceuticals and health science; mass public awareness with the help of digital systems; and a central political command; among others, indeed helped in containing the spread so far.

This time is to be a responsible citizen of our country to help the people by staying at home. Stay home Stay alive…

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